Thursday, April 9, 2009

Last days at Sea and Cape Town, South Africa

Another day at sea, then Cape Town and its harbor are sighted only 30 minutes out as we await the harbor pilot to join us for the trip into the harbor. Then the wind comes up, and we wait 24 hours, steaming in circles offshore, until finally making port. A hurried half day in Cape Town, then the bus to the airport.

Wandering Albatross. This position of the wings shows that they do actually have to flap the wings at times.

As does this - end of albatross pictures.

Just outside Cape Town, South Africa. Sunrise with the wind calm. Table Mountain has the huge cloud hanging over it, and the wind is about to blow, spoiling our time in Cape Town. The last thing I wanted was to spend another day on the sea. And the hotel waiting for us was really nice.
The seas were calm.

Another ship waiting to enter the port of Cape Town. Notice the seas compared to the previous picture.

Sunset with wind still blowing. Table Mountain is on the left, and the other peak is Lion Head(?).

Shantytown, Cape Town, South Africa from the bus taking us to the airport.

Shantytown, Cape Town, South Africa, from the bus on the way to the airport.

Me (Geoff) on top deck of National Geographic Explorer outside Cape Town, South Africa, just as the wind came up. The bad hair day is a combination of the wind and honoring the rockhopper penguins. I wouldn't have been smiling had I known at this point that another day would be spent on the ship.

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