Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Nightingale Island, Tristan Group - Part 2 of 2

Yellow-nosed Albatross breed on Nightingale. We hiked to see their nests, where very large chicks were still lodged. They would be flying soon. The nests were right on the trail, and as you will see, we couldn't go anywhere but the trail. When we would get to close to the chicks they would clack their large bills, all the while staying in the nests.

Head shot of Yellow-nosed Albatross chick

Yellow-nosed Albatross and Chick. Notice the nest in relationship to the chick,

Yellow-nosed Albatross and chick. The trail goes right by the nest, and the grasses are really thick on both sides of the trail.

Yellow-nosed Albatross and Chick.

Yellow-nosed Albatross and Chick

Yellow-nosed Albatross and Chick interacting.

Yellow-nosed Albatross and Chick

Yellow-nosed Albatross and Chick.

Passing an albatross nest on the trail

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